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great words

God gave you what you NEED, not what you WANT.

When u pray for others, God listens and blesses them...
And sometimes when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you..

Sometimes prayer doesn't change the situation! But it changes our attitude towards the situation, and gives us hope which changes our entire life.
A busy life makes prayers harder, but prayers make a hard and busy life easier.
So Keep Praying Always!

Man asked GOD,"Give me everything to enjoy life"
GOD replied,"I have given you LIFE to enjoy everything"

When God gives us NO for an answer, keep in mind that there is a much greater YES behind it.

Peace, is not the absence of trouble -
Peace, is the presence of God

The shortest distance between a problem and it's solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to Allah can stand up to anything.

I said to Allah that... "I hate life"
...Allah replied "Who asked u to love life. ??
Just love Me and life will be beautiful"...

God has a reason for allowing things to happen..
We may never understand His wisdom but we simply have to trust His will...

Islam is University,
World is class room,
Quran is Sylabus,
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W is the teacher,
Allah is the Examiner,
Try to pass the final exam...

if God answer your prayers, He is increasing your faith..
if He delays, He is increasing your patience..
if He doesn't answer..He knows you can handle it..

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

WITHOUT GOD...our week would be: Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday. Seven days without God ...makes one weak!!

God said: Don't look around coz u'll be Impressed. Don't look down coz u'll be Depressed. Just look up to Me all the time u'll be Blessed.

Walking w/ God is the best adventure...
Finding God is the best achievement...
And having God as a companion is the best source of happiness!

Best cosmetic for the lips is truth, for the voice is prayer, for the eyes is pity, for the hands is charity, and for the heart is care.

GOD said:
If you never felt pain,
then how would you know I'm a healer?
If you never felt sadness,
how would you know I'm a comforter?
If life is PERFECT...
will you still know Me?

In times of Difficulties don't ever say "Hey ALLAH i have a big problem".
instead say "Hey Problem! i have a BIG ALLAH "
and everything will just be fine.

If ever you feel God's taking away something from your hand. Dont get sad, He is only emptying your hand so you can recieve something better and special..

God answers PRAYERS in three ways...
He says YES and gives you what you want
He says NO and gives you something better
He says WAIT and gives you the best in His own time..

Ever wonder what ASAP means?
Most people's answer is AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, it's correct but another meaning is ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER.
God knows how stressful life is. He wants to ease our burdens and surely respond to our needs so ASAP.

Good morning , i just want to share my breakfast with you , A plate of Love , A bowl of Peace,A spoon of Hope , A fork of Care, and A glass of Prayer.

God has time to listen....
Do u have time to pray..?

Signs of Qayamat!
So hard to tell truth,
Easy to tell lie.
So hard to talk About ALLAH,
Easy to talk about Nasty stuff.
So easy to leave Namaz,
But hard to leave any TV program.
So easy to delete ALLAH'S SMS,
But we forward all funny mesages.
Think about it!

START the work in the NAME of ALLAH
DO the work with the HELP of ALLAH
FINISH the work with THANKS to ALLAH
Bcoz ALLAH decides makes everything possible.

Every caring person says: "if anything happens 2 u, I'm here beside you"
But GOD Says: "Nothing will happen to you, as long as I'm Beside you."

When you wake up, you have two options:
it's either you sleep again and continue your dream....
Stand up and make your dreams REAL!!!


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